Chester le Street District Business Association is a very proactive organisation working in partnership with many agencies, the Area Action Partnership (AAP), local councillors, Regeneration Team, Beamish Museum, Police, Emirates Cricket Ground, Civic Pride and other groups.
Over the years the Association has been involved in many, many projects;
Installation of town centre CCTV
Crime Prevention & Shop Watch
Town Centre Contingency Plan
Present Town Centre Masterplan and many other previous consultations
Town centre Parade/Festival & Entertainment
Massive European entertainment; titanic, Theatre Xarxa etc
Award winning Town Crier
Provision of three town centre notice boards
Business Locator Map (Queens Head and Railway Station)
Tourist Town Visitor Map
Shop Jacket / shop signage project
Christmas Festival
Christmas Light switch on event
Christmas children's colouring competition
The Market Activity Week, promotion and sponsorship
Coach stop
The Ashes Project Town Centre
Time capsule
RHS In Bloom; Hanging Basket project
RHS In Bloom Town Centre “Going for Gold”
Civic Centre Free parking on a Saturday
International Brass Bands & Local Brass Bands
Heritage Trail upgrade
Clean & green team, neighbourhood wardens, litter dog fouling, licensing etc
The arch consultation
War Memorial consultation and sponsorship
Hett Hills recycling site consultation
YMCA worked to help resolve initial issues
Mary Portas Pilot Bid
Business Association newsletter delivered to every town centre business
Northumbria Water worked to postpone planned work in December
Save the Post Office
Rainworks project
*This is by no means an exhaustive list